Welcome to the WSO-UV Remote Proposal System user manual. In here you will find a detailed explanation on how to use the RPS tool to submit your initial letters of intent for the upcoming WSO-UV telescope.
Summary of contents
1. Registration/Login
The first step on the submission process is to create a registered user to enter the RPS application. On the MAIN page, click the REGISTER button. The REGISTER NEW USER page will appear, divided in two sections: REGISTER NEW USER and PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR INFORMATION.The first section asks you to introduce your USERNAME, PASSWORD, and PASSWORD CONFIRMATION. These data will be unique to you, and will be the information you will use to log in the application.
The second section refers to the personal information of the Principal Investigator (PI) under whose name the Letters of Intent (L(s)oI) will be submitted. You should introduce a FIRST NAME, LAST NAME, E-MAIL, INSTITUTION, ADDRESS, COUNTRY, PHONE NUMBER, and CELL NUMBER. The E-MAIL field has to have the following format, or an error will pop up:
This information will be used as contact information by the Time Allocation Committee (TAC) to get in touch with the PI regarding any issue about the L(s)oI, and eventually to inform about the acceptance or rejection of the proposals. All these data, CAN BE MODIFIED at a later time by the user.
Once the user has introduce all the information required, click on the REGISTER USER button to continue.
If you already have a registered user in the system, you can access the application in the LOG IN page.
Introduce your USERNAME and PASSWORD, and click the LOG IN button (or press ENTER in your keyboard) to log into the application.
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2. User page
After registering a new user or logging in to an existing account, you will get to the USER page. This page serves as the main site from which to create, manage and submit your L(s)oI, as well as modify your user information.Go up
2.1 Modify user information
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2.2 Create a new LoI
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2.3 Inspect/Modify/Delete a LoI
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3. Submit a Letter of Intent
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4. FAQ
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